How God Uses His Comforting In Our Struggles

You know those moments in life when it feels like your life is unraveling right before your eyes? Where when one problem’s stress makes you feel like it cannot get worse….but then it does. The times when you feel like every area of your life is consumed with “bad luck” and you cannot find a reprieve anywhere. You find yourself shouting in your head “How am I going to get through this day?” “Will this ever get better?” or the age old question “Why Me?” If you have had these moments this blog post is for YOU.

Since leaving my full-time job last year, I have struggled with a whole slew of issues that I never had prior. When I worked, any issues I had outside of work I would just bury under the rug as soon as I sat at my desk each morning. It kept me occupied, it kept me from remembering the struggles that other areas of my life were bringing me. My life now is different, I have no where to bury or hide my sufferings….they are here and they are real. Even in the moments that I am working from home with my part-time job…..the suffering seems to be right there tapping me on the shoulder reminding me of its chaos. What has this suffering done for me? It’s taught me how to face it…..not run from it……but to face it and keep going. How? There is only ONE way to…..and that is to suffer through Christ. If I could give each of you a penny for every time I said to myself (in the tone of George Constanza’s SERENITY NOW…catch phrase) “Lord in Heaven, help me!!!” you would all be millionaires. I have learned and witnessed over the past year that Christ is our one true Comforter…..He knows exactly how we feel before we even feel it, He knows exactly what problems lie ahead for us and lastly He knows suffering like no one else. Remember, he died with all of our sin on his shoulders as he breathed that last earthy breath…..”It is finished.”

So today as I awoke to the sounds of my beautiful little Robin and Finch friends chirping their morning songs at 5am I decided to get myself up earlier and have a little candle lit time with Christ. As I wrote out my thoughts and sufferings, I knew I did not need answers from Him at this time…..I just needed Comfort. With a little help from my bible’s trusty index it led me to 2 Corinthians 1:3-7.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.  For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort.   2 Corinthians 1:3-7”


Read that scripture once again…..let it sink in. Our sufferings through Christ, ultimately lead to comfort through Him…..which then gives us the ability to comfort others. Will knowing this erase our struggles? No of course not. If you live on earth, you will struggle…..but knowing this should give you a glimpse of hope that what you are going through right now… something someone else will need in the future. It could be tomorrow, or next year or maybe even 10 years from now…..someone, somewhere will be comforted by your experiences. Only our God could produce such beautiful results from a messy and painful situation. As Christians we are to do for others…..and help when we can. No matter how hard your battles get, no matter how many tears are shed…….Give them to Him……and only then can you give your comfort to someone else.

Have a blessed day,


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